free video below.

how to know if you have psychic abilities and the best way to develop them.

Watch the 15-minute video below so I can explain more.

Touch the video image below to watch and listen, the image is the "play button".

have you gone down a rabbit hole?

  •  Feeling lost and overwhelmed.

  •  Not getting the results you want.

  • ​Don't have a clue where to start or what to do?

  • Not sure if you are even doing this stuff right?

  • Not sure what to expect when developing your gifts?

And want to learn everything?

I'm going to hook you up big time!

If you have been experiencing signs and Synchronicities...

Spirit is trying to communicate with you and tell you something to enhance your life.

the ball is now in your court and you have a choice.

You can stay where you currently are, or learn how to work with your gifts and bridge the communication gap to have clearer, deeper, and more frequent communication.

I have an easy and affordable solution for you, it's called...

- Psychic Development Simplified -

Is an In-Depth Video Training covering anything and everything you would go to a psychic for...

Broken down into short, easily digestible lessons with lifetime access.

my name is judi jamieson.

I Teach Intuition And Psychic Development...

In a down-to-earth, real-life relatable way without all the time-wasting fluff.

Over 35 years ago (in my early teens) I started experiencing odd and unexplainable things and a calling or desire to go deeper.

I thought if I read all the books, absorbed as much information as I could, learned cards, numerology, chakras, how to meditate, etc, I would be in tune and "activated"... I was wrong. 

I was doing it the hard way!

The secret to really getting good at working with your gifts...

Learn how spirit will personally communicate with you. And it's NOT what the Hollywood movies would tell ya.

If you get value from all the free content I provide all over the internet (Facebook lives, short reels, and YouTube)...

Let me take you way deeper with over six hours of short and easily digestible, right to the point training videos on all things intuition and psychic development.

Here is the step by step process I will teach you...

1) you will Discover what "your" personal gift is.

So you know what area to focus on and not waste your time.

2) you will learn how that gift "really" works.

And what to expect (not the Hollywood stuff).

3) you will Learn how to speak spirits language.

And keep the conversation going on a deeper level.

imagine being able to connect with spirit...
  • Experience more peace, passion, and purpose in your life.

  • Help yourself and others live a happier, more enlightened life.

  • Save yourself hours, weeks or years of confusion and stress.

and understand what they are trying to tell you with the signs and Synchronicities.

For Only $998.95.

Nope... I got something way more affordable and your journey with this training offer will go deeper!

I'm including a ton of bonus lessons

Fun stuff to play with and simple things to help you out.

a "small" sample of some of the bonus lessons

There are NOT necessary and you do not need them to translate a message. But they will help with building confidence and trust with your gifts.

  • Mediumship

  • Card Reading.

  • Automatic Writing.

  • Psychometry.

  • Seeing Auras.

  • Spirit Guides.

  • Healing yourself.

  • And more...

You have two investment options...

Instant lifetime access to over 40 self-study videos on every topic imaginable.

Best Value

Pay in full $299.95 USD

(Save $100!)

Most Flexible

Start Today For Only $133.95 USD

(Plus 2 x auto-pay every 30 days).

Note: Prices are subject to change without notice. If this is a journey you would like to go on, jump on it.

You are one click away from opening many magical doors in your life.

The choice is totally up to you.

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